
Scottish dance music
Heather Hills (Mara Shea and Dave Wiesler)
Swans of Atlanta (Copious Notes)
More Swans of Atlanta (Copious Notes)
English dance music, by Mara Shea / Copious Notes
Click on the blue links to listen to the music. These are all singles available for download.
Alex and Charles (Be Thou My Vision) (Mara - solo violin)
Asking for the Road - Star of the County Down
(Mara - violin and viola)
Bartlett House - 9 times (Mara - violins, mandolin)
Carolina Farewell (Copious Notes)
Cat in the Window (Young Terence MacDonough) - 3 times
(Mara - violin and viola)
Cat in the Window (Young Terence MacDonough) - 6 times
(Mara - violin and viola)
Champagne (La Fête de Village) - 8 times
(Mara - violins and viola)
Christmas at Zeist (Sandy's Waltz) (3x through) (Copious Notes)
Christmas at Zeist (Sandy's Waltz) (6x through) (Copious Notes)
Comical Fellow (Copious Notes)
Companions ('Mon Amy' - Susato)
(Mara - violins, mandolin, gentle percussion)
Crystal Spring (Mara - violin and viola)
Enchanted Place - Hewlett (4x) - Mara - violin, mandolin)
Europe's Revels (7x) - Mara - violins)
First of October - Napoleon Crossing the Rhine (Copious Notes)
Fleur de Lis (The Lover's Petition) - 6x
(Mara - violins, mandolin)
Frank Palmer (Algorhythms) - 4x (Mara - violins, viola)
Fringe Benefits (Orielton House) - 6x
(Mara - violins, mandolin)
Gigue for Genny (Greenholm) - 6x (Mara - violins)
A Health to All Honest Men (7x) (Copious Notes)
Kersty's Jig (Fair Witness) - 9x (Mara, Dave Marcus)
Kill Him with Kindness - 9x (Mara, Eileen Shea-flute)
Leslie's Valentine - Miss Grace Hay's Delight (Copious Notes)
Lord Mayor's Delight - 7x (Mara - violins)
Lover's Luck - 5x (Mara - violins)
Maid's Morris - 6x (Mara - violins, mandolin)
Mock Hobby Horse (Copious Notes)
Mr Beveridge's Maggot (Copious Notes)
Mylecharane - 6x (Mara - viola, violins)
Old Batchelor - 6x (Mara - five-string violin)
Orca - 7x (Mara - violin, viola, guitar, mandolin)
Slaughter House - Hey Ho, My Honey (Copious Notes)
Spring Garden (Mara - solo violin and viola)
Spring in Sebastopol - 7x (Mara - violins)
Ten for the Ten Commandments -7x (Mara - violin, mandolin, guitar)
Top and Bottom - 5x (Mara - violins)
Two Cousins (Mara - violin, mandolin, guitar)
Volpony -5x (Mara - violins, mandolin)
Whimbleton House - 7x (Mara - violins, mandolin)
Zephyrs and Flora (Copious Notes)
Contra dance music
Listening and concert music
The Elftones - Naturally (The Elftones)
All the Pretty Horses (The Elftones and Rhiannon Giddens)
This list is sorted by type of music (CDs and downloadable files only). Click on any item to sample it and purchase it.
Like the music and want to buy more than one item? Click here to to go to the Store for a shopping cart.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
There is a longer version for ECD (9 times through) available here.
Albums (CDs)

Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.
Please note that all prices for CDs include shipping, but ONLY to the USA. Please contact me if you need shipments outside the US.